The kitten got his wings
Hi everyone. A few weeks ago, my brother saw a kitten on the corner sidewalk. He came running home fast because he said that it was REALLY a baby kitten and that I should go with him a take a look. Well, he was right, the kitten looked like it just came out of its mother. It was THAT small and THAT young. And to make it worse, when I picked up the kitten it was wet with urine. Looked like the person who left it there peed on it too. The poor thing was so cold, and it had been raining the past few days.
It was hard to give him milk and keep him warm. After 2 days, he passed away. I was hoping that he would survive and was thinking that when he got bigger I would look for someone to adopt him. The kitten was a white cat with black fur on its head.
It was hard to give him milk and keep him warm. After 2 days, he passed away. I was hoping that he would survive and was thinking that when he got bigger I would look for someone to adopt him. The kitten was a white cat with black fur on its head.
Thanks for the nice blog .
Anonymous, at 7:17 PM
How sad that someone would abandon a kitten that young or any cat for that matter.
Anonymous, at 2:51 AM
In the last two years I have taken in two stray cats. I often wonder why it is they had no home, but I'll never know.
Unknown, at 2:54 AM
how sad :( bless the poor kitty... I love your blog and I saved my first kitten ever yesterday, it was stuck at the top of a tall tree so I climbed up and attached it to my shoulder with its own claws and climbed it down to safety. Was so relieved.
Anonymous, at 10:15 PM
I Purchase va cat a couple of weeks ago and we are trying to keep it indoors the best we can. However, having young children seems to complicate things. Our youngest, Brad, likes to take the kitten to his friends house and loan it to them (their home is directly behind ours). We've pretty much given up hope keeping it indoors.
Anonymous, at 4:23 AM
I enjoyed reading this story. It had a warm detail to it, especially the black fur on his head part.
Anonymous, at 11:46 PM
LoL~! love tis pictures!
such a cute Cats!!
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Anonymous, at 5:04 AM
You did good. Thanks for looking out for the little ones.
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MK. Lina, at 2:31 AM
Somke years ago, almost the same happened to me. My mother found a baby kitty abandoned in the street and our family fought for three days to keep him alive: keeping him warm and cuddled, giving a heartbeat to sleep to, feeding him every two hours. But he was too small and frail... and cute as a little angel.
Anonymous, at 6:13 AM
This is the email of a 'researcher' at UC Berkeley who does terrible painful experiments on Cats. Please send him a note and tell him to stop his cold blooded crimes.
Anonymous, at 6:19 AM
Save the poor cats:
Anonymous, at 3:12 PM
poor little thing... in times like this I have to believe that people like that get what they deserve in the end. Some of kind of karma. You did the right thing in giving it comfort and love.
Anonymous, at 7:30 AM
I'm sorry the little kitten didn't make it. So sad when they don't.
But thank you for trying to save him.
Anonymous, at 10:12 AM
You have a good heart.
Happy New Year 2009!
Kimo and Sabi, at 2:02 AM
I just lost six kittens this week. Three kittens had been taken away from their mother and abandoned in a garbage dump, two had been in accidents and one had been kicked. Its so depressing to see people mistreat animals like this. I think its really amazing that you do all this.
Swati Hingorani, at 7:11 PM
I'd like to introduce my latest book, "Catscapades: Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats." It's an ebook and it is also available in print form as a comb-bound book. This book features nearly 40 enchanting stories depicting around 60 different cats. You'll read about clever, clumsy and quirky cats. You'll meet cats who are extraordinarily daring, incredibly spiritual and deliciously humorous. This book even features cool cats, scaredy cats, curious cats, courageous cats and un-catlike cats. It includes tales of what some consider throwaway cats as well as what we all know as pampered kitties.
Would you be interested in receiving a preview copy of the ebook to review for your blog?
Thanks for your consideration.
Patricia Fry
Patricia, at 4:05 AM
How horrible. I can't even imagine what that little kitten saw in his few days of life. Who could be that mean. I wish he would have made it but luckily you found him and gave him warmth and love for two days.
Cat Supplies, at 11:56 PM
There is no room in this world of mine for people that would be so ugly to a small kitty or any kitty for that matter. Sorry that your efforts were not sucessful. Perhaps the next time.
People like yourselves is one reason that Apollo and Zeus (twin Bengals), have collaborated with thier human companion to develop
A site devoted to helping our feline freinds to live healthy and happy lives with us humans.
kirker, at 1:24 AM
Hey thanks for caring enought to try to help the poor little kitten you found. I am so sorry to learn it did not make it. I am sure it is fine on The Other Side.
Check out my blog about a colony of abandoned/feral cats near my home. There will be stories there as time goes on that could inspire and inform anyone you know who wants to help homeless cats.
Would you add me to your cat blog list?
Thank you,
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Anonymous, at 11:57 PM
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Kimo and Sabi, at 11:54 AM
this post makes me really sad. =(
Cat Insurance, at 8:38 PM
What a cute cat!!
Phillip Sweet, at 7:28 PM
Hi - I'm new here - I really like your blog!
Gina, at 1:19 PM
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Ms.Hey, at 4:03 AM
Aw, how sad :(
Cat Training Forum, at 1:36 AM
Sad to hear it :( My sister once adopted a cat who was still very very young, fortunately he survived and is still going strong. cat behavior
Anonymous, at 2:06 PM
You did a good thing saving that little guy and giving him two good days.
Mandy, at 11:34 PM
How sad. I don't know how people can be so cruel. It's great that there are loving people in the world like you.
Catlover44, at 3:26 AM
Good blog, thanks
chicken coops, at 9:05 PM
Cat Forum Cat Pictures
This is my new site, similar to facebook and twitter, but for cat lovers. Please join and post pics of your cats!!
Anonymous, at 12:24 AM
CLICK here and LIKE it there pleasee =)
Anonymous, at 7:32 AM
That's heartbreaking...
London Accountant, at 1:10 AM
What a touching story! I am a pet photographer and a cat rescue volunteer. It is sad that the kitten did not make it. It is great to know that there are many folks out there rescuing helpless animals! Regards, Alexandra
Pets-Kids Photography, at 1:36 PM
My firm contributes to cat rescue groups. It is sad that the kitten did not make it. It is great to know that there are many folks out there rescuing helpless animals! In hopes to help people who foster animals I wrote the following article Tax Deductions for Fostering Stray Cat & Dogs Regards, Kenneth Gibbons LLC
Kenneth Gibbons, at 5:19 AM
I also enjoyed reading this story. such a wonderful article you have post.
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Takie, at 10:17 AM
FYI for anyone living in NJ, the NJSPCA is the State Animal Police. I am sure that all states have this type of department. If you notice any wrongdoing in your area, contact them. I feel so bad reading about this kitten was had smelled of urine. What kind of sick person would do this??? I think that laws need to be stronger against animal violators.!services
NJ Small Biz Videos, at 1:58 AM
I'm so sorry :( That is horrible. Our newest rescue was found in a similar situation, she was abandoned on someone's porch near out home in VA. Luckily she was a little older (about 3 weeks) and I was able to nurse her back to health, but reading your post made me break down and cry. Im sure that kitten was so thankful to not be cold and alone, you were it's angel. We can't save them all but dang it I'll try! <3
Here's a video of our Lola - she's almost 6 weeks now and wanted to send you a smile :)
Sword Point Productions, at 12:11 AM
I volunteer with a cat rescue group here in NJ. This story is so tragic. How can people be so diabolical? Laws on animal cruelty need to be hightened. I always tell people that if you notice neighbors doing some bad things to animals, definitely report them! You can call the police anonymously.
Alexandra, at 1:25 AM
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Anonymous, at 7:38 AM
Hi just check out this blog if you like cats:
Anonymous, at 11:05 PM
Oh poor kitty you should get her a cat tree from
Cat Trees, at 12:37 AM
Bad Luck for poor kitty.
How any one can do things. Its a shame for the person who left kitty to die in the cold.
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